- All syllabi are developed and reviewed by leading testing professionals from academia and industry.
- Certifications are recognized globally because of the consistent application of ISTQB® policies and procedures by the member boards.
- The ISTQB® Glossary provides a common vocabulary for the profession.
- The assessment of tester capabilities is conducted independently by ISTQB® and provides objective verification of competencies.
- All ISTQB® certified testers adhere to the Code of Ethics defined by ISTQB®.
- ISTQB® glossary and syllabi are made freely available on the ISTQB® website and on the Member Board websites in local languages.
- ISTQB® materials are developed on a voluntary basis and are open to contributions from anybody interested in joining ISTQB® working groups.
- The non-profit nature of ISTQB® ensures that content is not constrained by particular methodologies or technologies, and is able to draw on best practices from a wide variety of sources.
- Syllabi and other documents are continuously being improved to meet the needs of Business Organizations around the world and to keep pace with the development of the profession.
- Being certified provides advantages for individuals and organizations by ensuring that testing professionals meet the high standards set by the ISTQB®.
Source: www.istqb.org/Certification